Top 3 mistakes in Content marketing

Blogging or Content marketing is the key to grow business in today’s era. Eight out of every ten brands have either angaged with some marketing agency or got an in-house team for content marketing.

But the question here is what impact is your content having on your brand? If you are already conducting a regular check on the analysis – perfect! But if not, pls ensure to do that else it can turn out to be a squander investment.

Many brands are undergoing a phase where they have invested a bomb on content marketing but don’t see the needle moving at the required pace. Well, we have carried out thorough research to know the root of this holdup.

There are some basic mistakes in content marketing done by the brands which are hindering business growth. We have recorded three mistakes that need to be corrected to get the brand going.

Forget Me and talk about us

Many brands talk about themselves when they promote their business. Well, it’s obvious to talk about it when you are advertising something, but don’t forget about the customer. Your content should talk about your customer’s hassle. What is your customer looking for and what has dissatisfied the customer in the past? Why has the customer arrived at your blog?

A customer will not care much about your brand until it complements his requirements. Talk to your counterparts to understand the customer needs and concerns if any. You can check Quora for queries related to your brand and work on the content accordingly. So, focus on customer issues rather than just marketing your brand.

First Research and then Develop

Any digital work you step into needs thorough research and for research you need data. For data, you can rely on some tools like keyword planner, Google AdWords, google trends, HubSpot, BuzzSumo and so on. These tools will help you know the trend like what are people searching for. Your content must be in line with the trend. There is no point in writing on something which nobody is exploring. Choose a keyword related to your brand and find out the traffic around it. This will help you know the trend of the keyword you are planning to write about and can give you a quick presumption on the optimization.

Exploit your content

Publishing content is not the end of the story; there’s a whole lot to it. Your content is the stone and it’s on how to carve it get different statues out of it. Share your content on every possible platform – there is no harm in it.

Break your content into pieces and use it for social media posts. Create a video out of your content – yes, you can use the same content for video marketing with some additions and excisions. Use infographics to present your article in different ways like a gif or some short animation. Milking your content is a crucial part of content marketing that can scale your business to another level.

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I hope that was valuable and we will come up with more blogs to help your business soar more aloft. If you have any more pointers on the above topic, pls share it with us through the comment section.

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