How to write a Blog?

Planning to write a Blog? But not able to start as these questions are scrolling through your head.

Where do I start? What should be the subject? What do I say about it? How many words do I use?

How do I end? What value addition would enhance my content?

It’s perfectly ok to be entangled in these queries before commencing your writing talent. You don’t need to be an elegant writer to write a blog post; you just need to have something to say. Your blog should just be a piece of useful information for your target audience.

Well, at the end of this post, you would be confident enough to get started with all the queries settled.

  1. Choose a topical issue – Write about something which is in the trend. It will be very difficult for your blog to hit the search engine if you write about something nobody is talking about. Research on the trending topics and express your thoughts and draft in your way.
  2. Give it a captivating headline – When everyone’s writing, how do you make yours unique? Give your subject a title that will make users attract to your article. If the headline is not fascinating, you have already lost some readers.
  3. The Lead paragraph – The next crucial thing in a blog is the lead paragraph. Ensure you make a good lead paragraph that portrays the entire blog. The reader should be able to interpret your thoughts in this section. Don’t make it too long, the reader might lose interest if he doesn’t grasp the idea in the first two lines. Keep it short and decipherable.
  4. Main body – The main should be clear and crisp. Lengthy paragraphs might get the readers away from your post. Use bullets, numbers, highlighters, and sub-headlines to make your blog easily scannable. Simple words, shorter paragraphs, small sentences increase the readability score. Ideally nothing more than 20 words in a sentence and three to four sentences in a paragraph.
  5. Depict though pictures – A picture says a thousand words. Get a good image for your blog. A good image is a good blog in itself. Get an image that represents your idea and illustrates the way you want your blog. Remember the copyright restrictions before using any image. Check for copyright-free images that are easily available in selected websites.
  6. Short and sweet – A good post doesn’t need to be a long tale. A short one illustrating the required information is the apt one. Try not to stretch your post above 700 words. An ideal one should be somewhere between 500 and 700 words.
  7. Add Links – Adding links to your post increases the SEO probability. Along with internal links, make sure to add relevant external links to your post. This would help your reader direct to related links and assist in getting backlinks.
  8. End with a question – Ending the post with a question encourages the reader to make use of the comment section. It also makes the post interactive where the reader can express their views and suggestions. Ensure to activate the comment section in your posts. Sometimes even a valid phrase can be used to conclude a blog post especially the article blogs. It adds a comprehensive texture to the blog.

Click here to get tips on blogging from the experts.

Happy Blogging!

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