Few facts to know about Content Writing

Content writers are individuals who develop professional content for online use. It does not pertain to any particular style of writing. The content can be in the form of blogs, news, articles, or any form of inscribed web material.

According to a marketing magazine, content marketing is expected to be a $300 billion industry by next year. Content writers are in high demand as the market for writers is booming at a remarkable pace.

Importance of SEO in content writing

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. SEO is the purpose of content writing. It is the process of optimizing a website for it to be distinctly visible in the search engines like Google. Several factors like the keywords, style of writing, meta description, content length and so on decide the rate of optimization for your content. Your content will capture the attention of the search engines if it is well equipped with the essential parameters.

IC: Pixabay

What are Keywords and how does it impact search engine optimization?

What are Keywords and how does it impact search engine optimization?

The Keyword is the base of any content. Usage of the appropriate keyword the exact number of times in any content increases its probability of optimization by the search engine. Ensure to use keyword both in the title as well as the body evenly as the search engine crawlers hunt for them at every stage including the title, description, headings, and paragraphs. Use keywords in the image title for better SEO optimization.

IC: https://swaichinfotech.co.nz/blog-keywords-seo/

Freelancing as a content writer

In the present scenario, freelancing in writing is the best thing to opt for. Any individual well-trained in writing can be a freelance writer. You don’t need any great experience or degree, except for the know-hows of writing with a sound understanding of SEO. However, the remuneration differs with the experience level. Hence, vigorous practice is required to establish your brand in this field.

IC: https://thepennymatters.com

What are STOP words?

STOP words are some words that remain unnoticed by the search engine. The search engine either partially or completely ignores these words, lessening the chances of your content optimization. Words like ‘the, an, a, of, or, which have nothing to do with the content keyword are STOP words. These words cannot be avoided as the content is built by these words. However, excessive usage can be avoided.

Qualities required in a content writer

  • Research skills – Good content is the result of exhaustive research. A sound study on the required subject helps builds strong content.
  • SEO knowledge – Nothing can stop you from being in the limelight if you know the SEO tricks.
  • Maintain your TAT – Meeting your deadlines is very important to retain the customer and magnetize future projects.
  • Ready to Adapt – Be ready to accept every approaching project even if it is beyond your comfort zone. The research factor will help you to accomplish the new project effortlessly.
  • Be focussed – Writing needs concentration and distractions can lead to loss of worthy ideas. Try accepting few projects initially to be more focussed on the one in hand. Don’t let yourself be the jack of many but king of none.
  • Edit till you improve – Create multiple drafts until you reach perfection. Carry out multiple assessments for your own draft to ensure the content maintains every aspect of writing. There is nothing wrong with spending more time editing than drafting.
  • Final output – The final output should be your best work. Don’t leave any stone unturned to get the best out of you. Remember, you are creating a brand of yourself with your content.
  • Keep updating yourself – To sustain your demand in this competitive field, you need to upskill yourself with the latest trends. Get tips from the experts via our short-term online course.

Good writing is just a part of content writing. There’s a lot to it. Research skills, SEO knowledge, readability content development is some of the tricks that ensure your hold in the writing market.

Stay tuned for more updates on content writing.

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