Top 10 jobs that didn’t exist till 2011 and How to prepare for them?

Would job industry be the same 10 years from Now? NO – because it wasn’t the same 10 years ago!

Changing technology remains aprodigious reason forincreasing career opportunities across the world. Technology has fabricatedcreative jobs and diverse ways to perform them.Career opportunities are snowballingdecade over decade but at the same time, the ancient ones are diminishing. Hence, it’s immenselysignificant to polish yourself with the latest skills to walk with the pace of technology.

About 10 years ago, every student stepping out of school was confined either to engineering or doctorate as therest of the fields were considered to be of least importance. To some extent we can say, others were not in limelight due to lack of awareness.

Every striking change in technology gives rise to innovative jobs in the market. In this digital world, several opportunities are being created every year. This allowstalentedand up-to-date workers to explore the latest technologies.

Things havechanged a lot over the last decade;numerous job opportunities are popping up in different fields.

Wondering how to upskill and reconstruct yourself in the latest fields now when you have already acquired your academic degrees?

Don’t worry, there are many online courses to suffice your desires without affecting your current roster.

Hither is a list of few job opportunities that didn’t exist till 2011 and presentlyare among the highlypaid jobs.And the worthiest part, in justa few e-learning courses, you are prepared for it.

  1. Social Media Manager: Today, every company needs a presence on social media to survivein the competitive world. Social media delivers anenormous impact on the marketing strategy of any business.To manage this, a social media manager is in demand who needs to keep abreast of the latest trends.Upskill yourself with our short term Social media marketing course OR the comprehensive course on Digital marketing and getready to rule this field.
  1. Web developer:A Website is the need of new digital world which keeps the customer connected with the business. And to ensure this website functions correctly during all odds and evens, a dedicated web developer is recruited. Employment in this field is expected to grow 10-15% by the next decade. Learn to become a web developer using content management systems like wordpress, here.
  1. App developer: This field came into existence in 2007 after the launch ofApple iPhone. The revolution of Smartphones in the last decade has announced a peak demand for app developers in the market.The demand for App developers is expected to grow substantially in the next few years.
  1. Bloggers: Blogging is nothing but expressing your imagination on a blank sheet. You don’t entail a master’s degree to get into blogging. It is anexcellent opportunity especially for women who had to detach from careers for various reasons. A beginner needs some originator to get started which can be attained by our brief one-day course on Professional Blogging. WordPress is the extensively used platform for blogging becauseof its various benefits over other blogging platforms. Obtain the creative skills of WordPress through our short-term courses.
  1. Social Influencer: Who are social influencers? They are merely bloggers who achieve fame through Video blogging.YouTube has been the most used medium for V-blogging by social influencers to entertain and educate the users. Learn about professional blogging here.
  1. Data Scientist/Analyst:The digital world works on data and even though technology has conquered everything, human interference is required to execute commands and that gives rise to openings for data scientists and data analysts.Pursue the process of chunking and organizing data through different tools. Get more insights on how to become a data scientist.
  1. E-commerce store owner: E-commerce business is the most booming business during the last few years.If you incorporate a robust strategy for online business, thensky is the limit. Edify your knowledge on how to set-up and manage E-store.
  1. SEO specialist:Every company wants to be on the top when it comes to search engine. An SEO specialist knows the parameters which need to be implied to the contents accurately to make sure the company is looked upon first compared to the competitors.Acquire the tips and tricks to get into this super exciting modern-day career.
  1. Online teacher:If you are specialized in a particular subject and curious about getting into the teaching profession, then online teaching can gain you handsome money. Online teaching is the recent revolution in the field of education which can be done at one’s convenience. You can register yourself on the available portals or develop your own course and explore the world of online teaching.
  1. Content writer: A pen is the tongue of mind which is used by the content writers to compose their knowledge foronline readers. With increasing websites, the demand for content writers is increasing swiftly. To learn how to become a professional content writer, click here.

“You need to start somewhere and don’t run behind perfection. In anyprofession; youhave to start from Nothing and learn and grow as you go further.”

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